• Congratulations Marilyn, on the successful completion of your doctorate at Holos University Graduate Seminary. Your work in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing is a great contribution.


    C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
    Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association
    Author of 21 books and 290 scientific articles
  • Marilyn Parkin, a Medical Intuitive, is participating in a scientific research project on diagnosing medical and psychological conditions. I am tremendously excited about the project because we have observed some very promising results so far.

    S. Pilar, M.D.
  • I have known Marilyn Parkin since I first took her course on Energy Healing. I was impressed with her professionalism, her skills in making an energy diagnosis and the effect of her energy treatments on the well-being of her subjects. I have seen first-hand several subjects improve significantly in their clinical symptoms after her treatments.In 1998, Marilyn assisted me in the establishment of a Wellness Centre offering a variety of complimentary/alternative healthcare modalities. She played an instrumental role in the building and physical set up of the centre displaying exceptional organizational and supervisory skills with subcontractors.

    Marilyn has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and dedication to the field of Energy Medicine in our local community and we enjoy a supportive working relationship as associates.

    Teresa Clarke, M.D.